Understanding Legacy Migration and Why Your Business Should Consider It with Softacom

Modernizing old, outdated business applications can drastically increase output and efficiency while completely changing the digital environment of your company. However, a lot of companies continue to use antiquated systems because they are ignorant of the revolutionary possibilities that legacy migration services present. In this discussion, we delve into the concept of legacy migrations, outlining its advantages and the reasons your company ought to think about moving its old apps to the cloud.

What Is a Legacy Application and Migration?

An out-of-date or obsolete software program or application is referred to as a legacy application. These are usually on-premises systems or software that businesses have been using for many years. These range from specialized and industry-specific apps to QuickBooks, sales, and CRM programs.

Moving out-of-date platforms, apps, or software from an on-premises server to the cloud is known as a legacy migration.

Why Businesses Still Have Outdated Legacy Applications

Legacy migrations are business-shifting, daunting projects. Businesses are often reluctant to migrate their applications. There are several reasons for this:

  • Business Need: If the application is working properly, there isn’t a pressing need to update or repair it. Even in cases when there are problems, it’s simple to keep things as they are when staff members feel at ease with the system.
  • Cost: At first, the expense of creating, modifying, or replacing a legacy system may seem overwhelming. Legacy migrations are difficult, drawn-out processes with potentially uncontrollable expenses if not handled properly.
  • Business Disruption: Many firms are reluctant to update their legacy programs since it can cause disruptions to traditional workflows and workers.

However, maintaining the status quo can hold a business back, especially when it comes to its IT environment.

Why Businesses Should Migrate Their Legacy Applications

Companies frequently are unaware of the necessity to move their outdated apps. Smaller, more bothersome IT problems accumulate over time and point to a more serious issue. Common signs consist of:

  • Always having to reboot or restart computers
  • Difficulty onboarding new users
  • Poor backup management
  • Struggling to access information when and where you need it
  • Lacking the capabilities to support multiple offices or remote staff

These are more than just nuisances; they also encourage inefficiency and erode security. This is the rationale behind moving your outdated company application. 

Cost Management

Infrastructure investments in IT are costly. Maintaining outdated technology is similar to owning a car that needs more work done on it the longer you drive it. By moving your legacy application to the cloud, you may use the infrastructure of the cloud provider and cut expenses on software, maintenance, and licensing. Furthermore, you just pay for what you use, which lowers overhead IT expenses. 

Data Protection

Most legacy programs lack adequate security. Since locally hosted software is frequently not updateable, it exposes your company to infections, data loss, theft of intellectual property, and identity theft. Additionally, most legacy applications lack a solid backup or data recovery strategy to help restore data in case it is lost or corrupted.

Poor Availability

Older apps operate slowly. They can be annoying to use, take ages to load, and are challenging for inexperienced staff to grasp. It is not practical to expect legacy systems, which store enormous volumes of data and applications, to function at the same level as today’s more sophisticated technology. When you move your company application to the cloud, your staff will have easy access to data at any time and location.

Compatibility Issues

Many components of the contemporary IT infrastructure, including SaaS apps, mobile devices, cellphones, and upgraded operating systems, are incompatible with legacy systems. Because of this, a lot of businesses have an unsatisfactory IT infrastructure that was pieced together. By moving your company software to the cloud, you may improve your whole IT setup and set up a setting that suits your demands as a modern organization.


It takes a lot of effort and frequently results in business disruption to monitor and update the underlying server software. Based on user input and testing, cloud services and apps are updated, expanded, and improved continuously. Upgrades in the cloud often happen automatically. Through the pooled resources of thousands of cloud users, you gain access to updates, features, and enhancements to maximize your productivity and gain from collective knowledge.


Usually, Windows devices are needed to access legacy apps. A lot of companies use Macs, particularly vendors, consultants, freelancers, and third-party partners. Furthermore, during their off-hours, employees frequently check their email on mobile devices. Employees have round-the-clock access to your data thanks to cloud-based apps and data. Data is accessible to consultants and employees at any time and location, and several users can collaborate and work on it at once.


In conclusion, legacy migration services offered by Softacom provide a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to modernize their outdated applications and systems. The benefits of legacy migration, including cost management, data protection, improved availability, compatibility with modern IT infrastructure, and enhanced mobility, are significant drivers for organizations to consider this transformation.

By partnering with Softacom, businesses can leverage expert migration planning and execution, code refactoring, system enhancement, UI/UX modernization, application transformation, retirement of outdated applications, containerization, language migration, and legacy integration modernization. These services guarantee a smooth transfer to contemporary technologies while improving user experiences, streamlining system performance, and satisfying present company requirements.

In summary, legacy migration is a strategic move that can help organizations advance in the current digital environment, not only a technical one. With Softacom’s legacy migration services, businesses may flourish in a digitally transformed environment by receiving a customized strategy that addresses their unique needs and challenges