Was ist das SMTP-Protokoll?
SMTP steht für „Simple Mail Transfer Protocol“, was sich mit „Einfaches E-Mail-Transferprotokoll“ übersetzen lässt. Es handelt sich dabei um ein verbindungsorientiertes, textbasiertes Netzwerkprotokoll aus der Internetprotokollfamilie und ist als solches auf der siebten Schicht des OSI-Modells, der Anwendungsschicht, angesiedelt. Genauso wie jedes andere Netzprotokoll enthält es Regeln für die korrekte Kommunikation zwischen Computern in einem Netzwerk. Dabei ist SMTP speziell für das Einspeisen und Weiterleiten von E-Mails von einem Absender zu einem Empfänger zuständig.
SMTP Error Codes List
Hier ein paar Listen zur Übersetzung von einfachen und erweiterten SMTP-Fehlern. Mit der Zeit werde ich die Listen erweitern.
Einfache SMTP Fehler Codes
Code | Description | Code Status |
101 | The server is unable to connect | Informational |
111 | Connection refused or inability to open an SMTP stream | Informational |
211 | System status, or system help reply | Success |
214 | Help/Info message; Intended for the human user | Success |
220 | Service ready | Success |
221 | Service closing transmission channel | Success |
250 | Requested mail action completed | Success |
251 | User not local; message will be forwarded | Success |
252 | Cannot verify user, but will accept message and attempt delivery | Success |
354 | Start mail input; The server expects the e-mail body | Redirection |
420 | Timeout connection problem | Persistent transient failure |
421 | Service not available, closing transmission channel; When the server is shutting down | Persistent transient failure |
422 | The recipient’s mailbox has exceeded its storage limit | Persistent transient failure |
431 | Not enough space on the disk | Persistent transient failure |
432 | Recipient’s incoming mail queue has been stopped | Persistent transient failure |
441 | The recipient’s server is not responding | Persistent transient failure |
442 | The connection was dropped during the transmission | Persistent transient failure |
446 | The maximum hop count was exceeded for the message | Persistent transient failure |
447 | Message timed out because of issues concerning the incoming server | Persistent transient failure |
449 | Routing error | Persistent transient failure |
450 | Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox busy or temporarily blocked for policy reasons) | Persistent transient failure |
451 | Requested action aborted: error in processing | Persistent transient failure |
452 | Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage | Persistent transient failure |
455 | Server unable to accommodate parameters | Persistent transient failure |
471 | An error of your mail server | Persistent transient failure |
500 | Syntax error, command unrecognized (This may include errors such as command line too long) | Permanent errors |
501 | Syntax error in parameters or arguments | Permanent errors |
502 | Command not implemented | Permanent errors |
503 | Bad sequence of commands | Permanent errors |
504 | Command parameter not implemented | Permanent errors |
510 | Bad email address | Permanent errors |
511 | Bad email address | Permanent errors |
512 | Host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found in DNS | Permanent errors |
513 | Address type is incorrect | Permanent errors |
523 | Size of your mail exceeds the server limits | Permanent errors |
530 | Authentication problem | Permanent errors |
541 | The recipient address rejected your message | Permanent errors |
550 | Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons) | Permanent errors |
551 | User not local; The server will not forward | Permanent errors |
552 | Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation | Permanent errors |
553 | Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed (e.g., mailbox syntax incorrect) | Permanent errors |
554 | Transaction failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening response, “No SMTP service here”) | Permanent errors |
555 | MAIL FROM/RCPT TO parameters not recognized or not implemented | Permanent errors |
Erweiterte SMTP Fehler Codes
Code | Description | Code Status |
X.1.0 | Other address status | Address status |
X.1.1 | Bad destination mailbox address | Address status |
X.1.2 | Bad destination system address | Address status |
X.1.3 | Bad destination mailbox address syntax | Address status |
X.1.4 | Destination mailbox address ambiguous | Address status |
X.1.5 | Destination mailbox address valid | Address status |
X.1.6 | Mailbox has moved | Address status |
X.1.7 | Bad sender’s mailbox address syntax | Address status |
X.1.8 | Bad sender’s system address | Address status |
X.2.0 | Other or undefined mailbox status | Mailbox Status |
X.2.1 | Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages | Mailbox Status |
X.2.2 | Mailbox full | Mailbox Status |
X.2.3 | Message length exceeds administrative limit | Mailbox Status |
X.2.4 | Mailing list expansion issue | Mailbox Status |
X.3.0 | Other or undefined mail system status | Mail System Status |
X.3.1 | Mail system full | Mail System Status |
X.3.2 | System not accepting network messages | Mail System Status |
X.3.3 | System not capable of selected features | Mail System Status |
X.3.4 | Message too big for system | Mail System Status |
X.3.5 | System incorrectly configured | Mail System Status |
X.4.0 | Other or undefined network or routing status | Network and routing status |
X.4.1 | No answer from host | Network and routing status |
X.4.2 | Bad connection | Network and routing status |
X.4.3 | Routing server failure | Network and routing status |
X.4.4 | Unable to route | Network and routing status |
X.4.5 | Network congestion | Network and routing status |
X.4.6 | Routing loop detected | Network and routing status |
X.4.7 | Delivery time expired | Network and routing status |
X.5.0 | Other or undefined protocol status | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.5.1 | Invalid command | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.5.2 | Syntax error | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.5.3 | Too many recipients | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.5.4 | Invalid command arguments | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.5.5 | Wrong protocol version | Mail Delivery Protocol status |
X.6.0 | Other or undefined media error | Format or mail content status |
X.6.1 | Media not supported | Format or mail content status |
X.6.2 | Conversion required and prohibited | Format or mail content status |
X.6.3 | Conversion required but not supported | Format or mail content status |
X.6.4 | Conversion with loss performed | Format or mail content status |
X.6.5 | Conversion failed | Format or mail content status |
X.7.0 | Other or undefined security status | Policy or Security status |
X.7.1 | Delivery not authorized, message refused | Policy or Security status |
X.7.2 | Mailing list expansion prohibited | Policy or Security status |
X.7.3 | Security conversion required but not possible | Policy or Security status |
X.7.4 | Security features not supported | Policy or Security status |
X.7.5 | Cryptographic failure | Policy or Security status |
X.7.6 | Cryptographic algorithm not supported | Policy or Security status |
X.7.7 | Message integrity failure | Policy or Security status |
Detaillierte SMTP 5.x.x Fehler Codes
Error/Status Code | Description |
5.0.0 Address does not exist | Email id invalid or does not exists |
5.1.0 Other address status | A problem occurred during the delivery of this message to this email address. |
5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address | Specified from address or domain mailbox does not exists (anything after '@'). |
5.1.2 Bad destination system address | Address does not exists or not able to accept mails |
5.1.3 Bad destination mailbox address syntax | Invalid or corrupted character in email address |
5.1.4 Destination mailbox address ambiguous | Check your spelling of email address and resend |
5.1.5 Destination mailbox address invalid | Mail address may be invailid or may have spelling mistakes. |
5.1.6 Mailbox has moved | Mailbox may be moved to new location |
5.1.7 Bad sender’s mailbox address syntax | Sender's address is invalid syntactically |
5.1.8 Bad sender’s system address | Sender's system in the address does not exist or is incapable of accepting. |
5.2.0 Other or undefined mailbox status | This error is usually return for which it has class (ie. 1xx,2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx). |
5.2.1 Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages | Some changes need to made mandatory for resending mail |
5.2.2 Mailbox full | Try increasing your emailbox space capacity |
5.2.3 Message length exceeds administrative limit. | The Size of your email has exceeded its limit try removing unwanted text. |
5.2.4 Mailing list expansion problem | mailbox saves your email address to whom you are sending or receiving emails, there is problem saving that email addresses. |
5.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status | Mail has been accepted normally |
5.3.1 Mail system full | mail system at client's is not able accept emails |
5.3.2 System not accepting network messages | you need to whitelist the email address through your administrator it has been blocked. |
5.3.3 System not capable of selected features | |
5.3.4 Message too big for system | Message character limit has exceeded |
5.4.0 Other or undefined network or routing status | Mail accepted routing status is not available |
5.4.1 No answer from host | Configuration issue at recipient's server. you can send again once the issue is resolved at recipient's end |
5.4.2 Bad connection | unable to connected or delay in connection |
5.4.3 Routing server failure | Error is generated by the sender's server, you need to contact your ISP/ESP. |
5.4.4 Unable to route | When emailid or hosts provided is invalid. |
5.4.5 Network congestion | Multiple connection on single channel. |
5.4.6 Routing loop detected | Sending message to same PMTA from you have sent. |
5.4.7 Delivery time expired | Mail is queued for 2-3 days after that it is removed by returning above messagae |
5.5.0 Other or undefined protocol status | Something went wrong with protocol while delivering mail which can be well expressed with other status code. |
5.5.1 Invalid command | out of sequence or unsupported command used while sending mail |
5.5.2 Syntax error | unable to interprete the command due wrong syntax or it is unrecognized. |
5.5.3 Too many recipients | Number of recipient is greater than the amount of recipient deliver by protocol |
5.5.4 Invalid command arguments | the arguments were out of range or represented unrecognized features |
5.5.5 Wrong protocol version | protocol version is mis-match which can't be solved at one go. |
5.6.0 Other or undefined media error | Issue with content of the message which cannot be delivered. |
5.6.1 Media not supported | Media is not supported by protocol or the system who is going to formard the mail. |
5.6.2 Conversion required and prohibited | Message should be converted before it is send/delivery else it will be not delivered. |
5.6.3 Conversion required but not supported | Message must be converted in order to be forwared but partically it is not possible. |
5.6.4 Conversion with loss performed | This is Warning to the sender that While conversion data may be lost. |
5.6.5 Conversion failed | Message conversion was unsuccessful |
5.7.0 Other or undefined security status | Something went wrong while validating authentication which can be expressed with other status code. |
5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused | Authentication was not successful due to which email was not sent. |
5.7.2 Mailing list expansion prohibited | Sending mail is not allowed to particular recipient. |
5.7.3 Security conversion required but not possible | Conversion was required to send mail securely which is not possible. |
5.7.4 Security features not supported | Authentication not supported at delivery end. |
5.7.5 Cryptographic failure | Unable to decrypt the message because the key was wrong or invalid. |
5.7.6 Cryptographic algorithm not supported | Unable to decrypt the message because alogrithm was not supported. |
5.7.7 Message integrity failure | The message is corrupted or altered |